We’re familiar with the saying “Data is life” and we can all heartily agree with it because we never seem to have too much of it.
It would be great if we could always have unlimited data but this is not the case and this means data usage will have to be allocated to the most important tasks.
Unfortunately, some users do not put “updating Systems and software” amongst these important tasks. If you’re one of such people please know that in a bid to save data you’re exposing your device to a lot of risks and leaving it at the mercy of cybercriminals.
Also, when you hear “Data is life” something else that should pop into your mind is “End of Life.” End of life means the creator(s) of the software will no longer publish updates or fixes. Consequently, nothing will be done about any weaknesses found and attackers can actively exploit these weaknesses.
So, remember “data is life” should mean since data is not unlimited you should first make sure your devices are getting the latest updates.
Then recall “End of life”, which should remind you never to use software that is no longer being actively supported by its creator(s).
Watch our video below to find out more.